
Helping children find hope.

Camp Hope is a free camp for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one. We provide a safe environment for grieving kids and teens as they share memories, make new friends, and have fun.

Upcoming Camps

  • Spring

    May 3 - 4, 2025

  • Fall


Our Activities

Our activities help kids clarify thoughts, express emotions, and move through grief.

Camp Hope CA Origin Story

In 2005, sisters-in-law Lynn Hebert and Leslie Wilson co-founded Dan Hebert Camp Hope after Lynn’s husband, Dan, died at the age of 36 leaving behind his 5 and 2 year old sons. For the next 15 years Dan Hebert Camp Hope held camps to help grieving kids and teens.  In 2019, their Northern California location closed and Lynn retired.  

Inspired to continue the legacy of Dan Hebert Camp Hope, Leslie Wilson along with veteran counselors Chris Miller, Marsha Weinberg, Charles Westfall and Sherry Gandy co-founded Camp Hope California. Based in San Diego, their work builds on their 15 years of expertise running weekend camps, in order to continue to provide opportunities for grieving kids and teens to gather and explore their grief. 

Our Staff

The volunteer counselors at Camp Hope California share a common desire to help children and teens who have experienced the death of a loved one. Most volunteer counselors have years of experience working at the original Camp Hope in Northern California as well as at other grief camps. CHC volunteers are committed to creating a meaningful camp experience where campers can explore their journey through grief.  All volunteer staff are unpaid.


“My daughter went to Camp Hope and it was such an INCREDIBLE experience for her. I am a professional in the mental health field and I would recommend the camp highly. If you know any child between the ages of 6-17 who have experienced a loss recently or years ago please recommend they attend this camp. Thank you so much Camp Hope for all you do…..”

Mother Of Camper

“I can honestly say it was one of the best things I could have done to deal with my grief. Before arriving I was nervous but by the time I went to bed I didn’t want to leave. I have met so many fantastic people that have helped me know that I am not alone in my experiences. I would recommend this camp to any person who has ever lost anybody. Thank you Camp Hope for helping me sort out my grief and meet so many amazing people.”

Teen Camper

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Camp Like?2024-11-18T18:35:19+00:00

Camp hope is a day camp, that takes place over 2 weekend days (Saturday and Sunday). There is a mix of activities that focus on grief and having fun with friends. Camp Hope California is held at the Boys and Girls Club in La Mesa, CA.

The central location offers a dynamic indoor and outdoor environment including arts and craft center, sports complex, pool and foosball and lots of gathering space.

Where is the Camp Located?2024-12-14T00:47:50+00:00

Camp Hope California is held at the La Mesa Boys and Girl Club Facility in La Mesa, CA.

The Camp is located at:

600 Jr High Dr
La Mesa, California 91941

Our Mailing Address is:

9245 Twin Trails Drive #720734
San Diego, CA 92172
How Much Does It Cost?2024-12-13T22:24:15+00:00

Thanks to the generosity of many donors, attendance at Camp Hope California is offered free to all campers.

Donations are welcomed to help us cover the cost of running Camp Hope California. The cost per camper is approximately $350. To sponsor a camper or cover part of their experience visit.

All staff are unpaid volunteers.

What Ages Are Accepted?2025-03-10T23:00:19+00:00

Camp Hope is currently accepting children ages 7-17. Please contact us if you have a child outside this age range as some camp dates may include other ages.

Who Are the Camp Directors?2024-12-13T22:25:26+00:00

Our Camp Directors share a common desire to help children and teens who have experienced the death of a loved one. They are committed to creating a meaningful camp experience where campers can explore their journey through grief.  All volunteer staff are unpaid.

Leslie Wilson
Leslie has dedicated her life to helping others. Running Camp Hope is  just one of the many ways she helps people heal. Her extensive background in mental health and dedication to the process of grief is instrumental to the development and running of camp.

Charles Westfall
Charles has worked in mental health since 2007. He joined the original Camp Hope in 2010 and is eager to continue caring for youth burdened by grief in Southern California. He is committed to reducing stigma, suffering, and healing the devastating consequences of suicide through connection.

Marsha Weinberg
Marsha began her career in mental health more than 40 years ago, working in hospital, school and office settings..  She is especially proud of her work  with special needs children, developing a parent education curriculum for parents.  Additionally, she has a  special interest in resiliency.  Marsha has worked with Camp Hope since its inception and is eager to continue her dedication to helping children and teens work through their grief process, at Camp Hope.

Chris Miller
Chris worked in the mental health field for 25 years and has focused his work on helping support children, teens, and their families. He is also one of the original Camp Hope counselors, beginning his association with Camp Hope in 2006. Chris is honored to be a part of Camp Hope California’s continuing mission and legacy in helping kids and teens process, manage, and carry their grief as they move through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. 

Sherry Gandy
Sherry has over a decade of experience supporting children and families through their grief journey. Her own experiences with loss combined with her background in mental health is what drives her to help others who are grieving. As a mother of two children she truly understands the importance of creating a developmentally safe space for kids to feel and heal.

When Is The Next Camp?2024-11-18T18:45:47+00:00

We hold two camps per year (Spring & Fall). Dates are listed at the top of this page. Click here for registration details.

What Should I Bring To Camp?2024-10-31T22:46:37+00:00


  • Please bring a photo of your loved one(s) who died. (Please do not send an irreplaceable photo)


  • Comfortable clothing given the weather forecast (shorts, sweats, jeans, etc.)

  • Comfortable sneakers (no flip-flops)

  • Pullover hoodie or sweatshirt for the evening hours

  • Coat or heavier clothing if weather forecast calls for colder temperatures

Other Items

  • Lip balm and sunscreen

  • Hat

What Not To Bring

  • Cell phones: no cell phones are allowed at CHC

  • Money or valuables
  • Radios,CD Players, Game Boys/SP’s (No electronics)

  • Weapons of any kind (e.g. knives, matches, fireworks)

  • Food (soda, candy, gum)
  • Fancy/best clothing (Camper may get dirty)

  • Scented lotions
  • Clothing with inappropriate advertisements or wording


  • Por favor trae una foto de tu ser(es) querido(s) que haya(n) fallecido. (Por favor no traigas una foto insustituible).


  • Ropa cómoda dada la previsión meteorológica (shorts, sudaderas, jeans, etc.)

  • Zapatillas cómodas (no chanclas)

  • Sudadera con capucha o sudadera para las horas de la noche.

  • Abrigo o ropa más gruesa si el pronóstico del tiempo indica temperaturas más frías.

Otros artículos

  • Bálsamo labial y protector solar.

  • Sombrero

Qué no traer:

  • Teléfonos móviles: no se permiten teléfonos móviles en CHC

  • Dinero o objetos de valor
  • Radios, reproductores de CD, Game Boys/SP’s (No electrónicos)
  • Armas de cualquier tipo (ej. cuchillos, cerillas, fuegos artificiales)
  • Comida (refrescos, dulces, chicles)
  • Ropa elegante/mejor (la caravana puede ensuciarse)

  • Lociones con fragancia
  • Ropa con publicidad o texto inapropiado.

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